Open Air Electives is an indoor & outdoor hybrid drop-off program for K-6th Grade homeschool students featuring Art, PE, and other elective classes as a package deal offered by local businesses in Loudoun County, VA. This program is focused primarily on electives, and families from a variety of backgrounds enjoy our classes. While there is no statement of faith required to participate and all are joyfully welcomed, we also welcome organic faith-based conversations. Our character lessons in PE feature wholesome God-given character traits, and we have occasionally featured a Christian organization for an optional field trip experience.
Base Package Information
We are proud to announce that GamePoint Athletics will offer Physical Education and the Loudoun Chapter of Abrakadoodle will offer Art as the Base Package at all locations. These two classes are the centerpiece of our program, and students will be grouped according to their birthdate into either the Early or Upper Elementary class. The 7 week spring base package is priced at $230/student, and includes 7 weeks of classes, all overhead and rental fees associated with running Open Air, as well as access to community-style field trips on Thursdays/ Fridays.
P.E. by GamePoint Athletics
Physical Education offers a variety of enriching activities that focus on teamwork, friendly competition, skill development, and tons of fun! Children will participate in various types of PE games that involve tag, parachute, relays, and strategic invasion games such as Capture the Jewels. Throughout the Fall and Spring, children will also participate in sports units including soccer, flag football, wiffle ball, Omni-kin ball, games with paddles, extreme kickball, nerf dodgeball, and more! Each class, children will learn the value of a specific God-given character trait (such as resilience or courage) and the value it has for their lives. This typically happens in short 5 minute small groups, and throughout the lesson as the children are engaging in the curriculum in fun and interactive ways.
Supplies: Students will need closed-toe sneakers and a water bottle.
Art by Abrakadoodle
The Abrakadoodle art experience engages children with art lessons that will inspire your child’s imagination. Our program is intended to be an art enrichment class where children will explore a variety of art mediums and techniques. The students will utilize materials such as watercolors, paint, oil pastels, air dry clay and more to create their own unique artwork. Our emphasis is learning through the process of art and having fun. Students will create and bring home a new piece of artwork each week.
Supplies: Students will need to purchase the following supplies for their individual art kits before the start of class:
- 8-10 Pack of Broadline Crayola Colored Markers
- Blunt-Tip Scissors
- 2 Glue sticks
- Pencil box or large ziplock baggie to transport supplies
Add-On Options – You Pick!
Once you have registered for the Base Package, you may opt to add on additional electives during the first or last hour. These electives may vary by location and cost. The links to register for the Add-On Classes will be emailed to you after your Base Package registration is processed.
Spring Semester Dates at Purcellville Baptist Church
The Spring 2025 Semester will last 7 weeks and includes the following dates and times:
Wednesdays, 1 – 3 PM, on March 19, 26, Apr 2, 9, (no class Apr 16), Apr 23, 30, and May 7 (Make-up date: May 14). Snapology Robotics class is an optional add-on class, and takes places from 3-4 PM.
The Indoor/ Outdoor Hybrid Classroom
The weather policy at our Purcellville Baptist Church location is that classes shift indoors in the event of rain, snow, high winds, or temperatures below freezing. When the weather is fair, all classes take place outside on the back lawn at the church, with the exception of Art and Robotics, which require indoor tables & chairs. In the event of inclement winter weather that impacts driving conditions, class will be canceled via email by 11 AM, and a make-up date activated.